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John DeHart, Co-Founder, Nurse Next Door

By January 6, 2016February 19th, 2021Social Proof

“Knowing my purpose is to create systemic change in our society, I’ve been honored to launch several start-ups into world-class companies. Maili Wong’s Smart Risk captures the essence of what it means to think differently, then act differently, in order to blaze a path toward achieving one’s financial vision of success. Bravo, Maili!”

John DeHart
Co-Founder of Nurse Next Door

Smart Risk

About Smart Risk

Investing is risky, and successful investors know what it means to take “smart risks.” In Smart Risk, leading wealth catalyst and portfolio manager Maili Wong shares her techniques through the power of storytelling, to help Canadians build an investment strategy and roadmap leading to a Work-Optional Life – having the freedom to live the lifestyle you choose, regardless of market conditions. Visit to learn more.